In 2017, the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) commissioned McDaid PR to carry out all media relations around UnEarthed, its three-day event at Dynamic Earth to give Scotland’s public a chance to see NERC’s world-class science up close.
Volcanologists, seabirds, Victorian weathermen and some young science enthusiasts all played their part in highlighting the amazing science that would be on show at UnEarthed.
Photocalls, press releases, features, exclusives and interviews were all planned and executed over the campaign’s three-month period, along with a photo competition run in partnership with the Guardian.
McDaid PR generated over 670 pieces for UnEarthed, which ranged from a BBC Scotland report from the doors of the showcase, a three-minute feature on the Edinburgh Reporter and a news feature in the Scientific American.
UnEarthed trended on Twitter, got key stakeholders sharing stories and event details on social media, and even welcomed Scotland’s science minister through the doors.
And the best result of all? Over 6000 people attended UnEarthed, making it Dynamic Earth’s busiest weekend of 2017.
“Working with Sarah at McDaid PR was a dream. She is professional, determined and was fully on board with the vision for UnEarthed from day one. The results speak for themselves!”
Mary Goodchild, external communications manager for NERC